Aquaman Leak Detection Blog

Top Commercial Swimming Pool Maintenance Tips

On Sep 17, 2018

For a pool manager, there is nothing worse than having to be the bearer of bad news by notifying guests of your commercial pool that the pool needs to close for maintenance. Commercial swimming pool maintenance is important; staying on top of it is essential. Providing a great and safe experience for your guests is a manager's priority. With these tips, guests will be well on their way to a fun-filled day at your pool!

Commercial Swimming Pool Maintenance Tips

Keeping your commercial swimming pool in tip-top shape is vital not only for your guest's enjoyment and safety but also for the well-being of the pool itself. Commercial swimming pool maintenance keeps your pool, and pool parts, in good working order, as well as prolongs their life. Check out the following tips for maintaining your commercial swimming pool.

Pump and Filter Care

The pump and filter are the heart and lungs of your pool. Proper care of your commercial pool equipment is essential. The pump needs to be cleaned regularly and checked to see if any of the parts need replaced. Having replacement parts on hand is a smart idea. The pool filter also needs to be examined for holes and cleaned daily. These two parts are what keep the water circulating and at its best quality. Set a regular maintenance schedule for them and stick to it!

Chemical Consistency

Maintaining proper levels of pH, chlorine, and alkalinity needs to be a high priority. The pH levels should be tested twice a day or hourly, if heavy use as recommended by the CDC. Depending on whether it is an indoor or outdoor pool you are maintaining, the process of proper chemical balance will be different due to evaporation. The best way to ensure you maintain balanced chemicals is by using a chemical automation system.

Brushing and Vacuuming

If a pool does not look clean, guests do not want to get in. Keep the pool clean by regular brushing of the walls and vacuuming of the floor. This is part of a good commercial swimming pool maintenance routine. Brushing the walls keeps the walls clean and prevents algae from growing on them.

Pool cleaning should include daily vacuuming. Whether you use a manual commercial vacuum or a robotic vacuum, removing debris from the pool floor is imperative. Not taking the time to keep the pool clean and clear, can lead to problems with both the pump and filter.

Routine Pool Water Testing

Daily tests should include measurements of free chlorine residuals, total bromine residuals, pH readings, and acid or alkali demand measurements while monthly tests should also add total alkalinity, CYA levels, calcium hardness, iron content and copper concentration checks into the routine maintenance exams. In order to maintain high standards of water quality for your pool's users, it is essential that these routine tests are conducted regularly with all results discussed and any necessary adjustments made promptly following testing procedures.

Check for Leaks

Your commercial pool maintenance should also include regular checks for pool leaks. As a pool operator, you know when it's time to call in the experts, and in Florida, that means contacting Aquaman Leak Detection.

This article was originally published in September 2018 but has been updated for accuracy and freshness.

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