Aquaman Leak Detection Blog

Hurricane Clean Up Check List Offer Highlight

On Apr 11, 2022

Aquaman Leak Detection - Hurricane Clean Up Checklist Offer Highlight Blog Image

It’s hurricane season and for those of us in South Florida, that means it’s time for our yearly review of every hurricane checklist we can find. You already know the drill, is your roof ready for the wind? Do you have batteries and enough water to outlast a hurricane? How many canned goods do you have saved up? In the event of an evacuation, do you know where you are going? But what about after a hurricane, do you know what to do then? Our post-hurricane pool cleanup checklist is designed to help you live normally again. Oh, and we should mention, it’s free to download.

What’s Inside the Pool Cleanup Guide?

Sometimes the hardest part of hurricane cleanup is deciding where to start. The amount of work needed is often overwhelming. Luckily, our guide will get you going by walking you through the steps of an initial survey.

No survey of your pool would be complete without a check of the perimeter. Sounds, easy right? Not so fast. Knowing what to check, and what to avoid, makes all the difference.

Once you’re done with your survey of the area, and the perimeter check, it is time to start with the actual cleanup. Our free guide will help walk you through debris cleanup, chemical balancing, and gives you tips on what to do about low water levels.

So what are you waiting for? Download our FREE Hurricane Cleanup Checklist today.

If you suspect that your pool has developed a leak as a result of a storm, contact Aquaman Leak Detection to have a professional pool repair contractor repair your swimming pool.

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By Aquaman

We now proudly serve all of Florida. Each of our trained and certified pool leak detection specialists utilize the most advanced methods and technologies.

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