Aquaman Leak Detection Blog

What to do if Your Pool Loses Water in the Winter

Does it look like the cover of your pool is lower? Is there water on the grass or cement that doesn’t seem to be weather related? If your covered pool loses water in the winter, you probably have a leak. You need to roll back the cover occasionally.

Why Is My Pool Losing Water Overnight?

If your pool lost water overnight and it is more than a quarter-inch due to evaporation, you probably have a leak. Evaporation accounts for a minor amount of water lost each day. Losing a half-inch or more overnight indicates a problem.

Top Three Reasons Your Pool is Losing Water

There are three primary reasons why your pool is losing water:

  • Evaporation
  • Leaks
  • Excessive splashing

Leaks are the most frequent cause of water loss issues. Evaporation can be minimized but is normal. The easiest reason to avoid is excessive.

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